The frequency of hurricanes and the subsequent State of Emergency declarations give rise to numerous anxieties among patients, making it vital for pharmacies to have a well-thought-out plan in place and consistently monitor and update it to provide substantial support and alleviate stress during such challenging times.
Explore different avenues for increasing revenue while positioning your pharmacy as a one-stop-shop for patients' healthcare needs this cold and flu season.
Say goodbye to paperwork with Lumistry's HIPAA-compliant online form builder. Digitize vaccine forms and consultation notes, allowing patients to complete them beforehand. This feature saves time for both patients and pharmacy teams, leading to a more efficient and seamless appointment experience.
See how offering travel vaccines can help you leverage the growing demand for travel health expertise and provide valuable – yet convenient – healthcare services to your community.
Patient-centered care is one of the most important elements in establishing long-lasting relationships with the patient and strengthening the pharmacist’s professionalism in the pharmacy practice. To provide the best care and customer service possible, you have to start with the foundation - effective patient communication.